Sunday, January 3, 2010

A clean slate

Been a while since I posted. The Christmas season had me chasing my tail. Never caught it. But, I had fun trying! Usually this holiday leaves a lot to be desired for me, but in spite of myself I managed to get caught up in the spirit of things. Even to the point of listening to the music at home. The old carols still catch in my throat, reminders of days gone and loved ones. But, on the whole, I desired what everyone does this time of year, the magic.
My physical self is mending from one heck of a 2009. Anyone that's had chemo can tell you their body is just not quite the same after getting it. I thought I would be different, but there are tell-tale signs. Numbness in my fingertips, bruising, fatigue, no stamina. But, I am free of the beast, so says two CT scans in a row, and my annual exam in Dec. with my gynie guy Dr. Safarik. He said my Georgia O'keefe looks fine! And he doesn't want to see me until the end of my clinical study drug in April. Aside from a slightly elevated BP, and higher than avg. cholesterol, I'm in good shape. This year I plan on trying water aerobics for exercise and my doggies appreciate our new daily walking regime. Life is pretty good right now for me. I plan on keeping it that way. Til next time...

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