Monday, November 1, 2010

Still in remission!

Yes, I am still in remission and that feels great! Now, if the rest of my body would just cooperate...
Shoulder surgery to repair a rotator cuff tear and remove some broken calcification is scheduled for Nov. 9th. I decided to have it taken care of once and for all. Dr. Fow is my ortho-doc and I really like him.
 Pre-op is done and now I just wait and try to catch up on house stuff I won't be able to do after the procedure. At least it is my left arm, so I should be able to write. No e-mailing for a while, though.
I am optimistic about the future when I am healed and flying off to Paris!  2011 is the year to make that dream come true. Bon Chance!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm OK, you're OK!

I have to say, being in remission is the greatest feeling in the world. I also have to say that I am not immune to other "getting older" ailments, but compared to the "Big C" everything pales in comparison.
I had a problem with my aging left shoulder recently, not C related whatsoever, so it isn't noteworthy, but it was really painful. Calcified tendonitis, was the diagnosis and it seemed like the pain was neverending. No movement possible and even though on pain pills, still hurt to move it even inches in any direction. I had one helluva time getting into see a physician, much less an orthopedic specialist. I now believe what they are saying about a shortage of doctors.
A solid week later, I received a shot of cortisone and felt like it was a miracle cure. I know it is temporary, but I needed some relief. Now surgery is on the table sometime before the end of the year. Ho least I'm not having chemo!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kudos to Dr. Palchak

I was asked to help get my doc on the map. He is the only oncologist that is presenting clinical trials for cancer patients in our small community. Most people think they have to go to a big city or medical center to be considered for a study. Consequently, most of these people will not get the most current treatments for their type of cancer.  So, I agreed to do a commercial for him. It is on KSBY different times of the day. There is also a website   so check it out.
Meanwhile, I had my port-a-cath removed on Friday. I feel more "normal" than ever! 

Friday, April 23, 2010

My last cycle

I can't believe it, but this Thursday I had my 22nd and last cycle of therapy. Bridgett brought me some balloons and a muffin and coffee from Starbucks. When we got to the office the staff gave me a sweet card and some flowers and a huge piece of chocolate cake. What a great send off!

On May 7th I will have a CT scan and will have one every 3 mos. for the next year. I am glad to be monitored so closely. Being in this study has been a godsend. I love my doctor and the fact that he has taken his time and put in extra effort to find new therapies for ovarian cancer. I am blessed.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Good News!

My blood test, the CA125, showed a good number, lower by 21pts. Hooray! Also, the last three CT scans have been re-read by a new pair of radiologist's eyes and he concurs with the reports that show nothing out of the ordinary. In other words, I am still considered to be cancer-free.

Another good thing has come to my attention about my current therapy. I have been on the actual study drug, Avastin, for the entire time. Even when I was undergoing chemotherapy. The GOG
(Gynological Oncology Group) that is sponsoring the study sent me a formal letter stating my part in the study substantiates that this regimen was statistically significant in terms of survival without evidence of cancer growth. I feel honored to be able to be such a big part in finding a cure for ovarian cancer. Genentech is the company providing the Avastin. I will receive two more cycles ending mid April. Celebration is right around the corner!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Truth

Yes, I'm a little anxious. It's been a long two weeks. I have been trying to stay in the day while waiting for the blood test to be done and read. My doc e-mailed me some news. I have been on the Avastin (clinical study drug) for the entire time. Not a placebo. And, results show patients on it have a lower rate of relapse. The truth is, I feel really good and no matter what the results of the blood test are, I'm alive right now and the fact that I put my feet on the floor and got out of bed this morning is a testament to that. Carpe Diem!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Study in progress

My participation in the Clinical Trial for Avastin/Bevacizamab is still in progress. Every 3 wks I receive either a placebo or the real drug. Personally, I am quite sure I am on the real deal. One of the side effects, raised blood pressure, is present and I have never had that problem. It is relatively minor, no big deals here. I just stopped taking Ibuprophen, cut out salt, and have been practicing more meditation. All easy things to change. I haven't missed the pill or the salt and the silent time I find for myself more regularly is something we all should try to do.
Some stressers and impossible to omit. Particularly the worry factor I get right after a CT scan, blood draw, or some such test. So far the CT's are cooperating, show no sign of the beast, and my bloodwork has been only slightly below avg. One little bump on my last visit to the doc. was an elevated CA125 level, but he says that is not significant in the broader sense. Nevertheless, I will be having an additional one done in 2wks to see if that goes any higher. Always something, but at least the study I am on requires I have these done every 6 wks. Nothing is going to get away from their watchful eye. Now time to play with my Yo-Yo's!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A clean slate

Been a while since I posted. The Christmas season had me chasing my tail. Never caught it. But, I had fun trying! Usually this holiday leaves a lot to be desired for me, but in spite of myself I managed to get caught up in the spirit of things. Even to the point of listening to the music at home. The old carols still catch in my throat, reminders of days gone and loved ones. But, on the whole, I desired what everyone does this time of year, the magic.
My physical self is mending from one heck of a 2009. Anyone that's had chemo can tell you their body is just not quite the same after getting it. I thought I would be different, but there are tell-tale signs. Numbness in my fingertips, bruising, fatigue, no stamina. But, I am free of the beast, so says two CT scans in a row, and my annual exam in Dec. with my gynie guy Dr. Safarik. He said my Georgia O'keefe looks fine! And he doesn't want to see me until the end of my clinical study drug in April. Aside from a slightly elevated BP, and higher than avg. cholesterol, I'm in good shape. This year I plan on trying water aerobics for exercise and my doggies appreciate our new daily walking regime. Life is pretty good right now for me. I plan on keeping it that way. Til next time...