Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I found a new descriptive word. Is it because of the tenth anniversary of Amber's death on June 10th that I have this skewed take on life? Or could it be the next step I am about to take in the clinical trial I'm in for ovarian cancer? Or maybe it is the visit to the high school where I gave 3 scholarships in honor of Amber's life as a dancer and lover of education. Or was it walking on the campus with a scarf on my bald head as Amber did and got stares from her peers and a sneering comment, "nice bandana!" from a clueless girl passing by?
Clearly I have issues at this time of my life and probably shouldn't write when I feel this way, but I have to, because that's what I do to deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. You are so strong!! I love this post about surrealism...love it so much I made a post in my blog www.karenweems.com
    I will be thinking of you guys tomorrow and about beautiful Angel Amber.
